

We offer the most professional and reliable asbestos removal service in the UK

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Notifiable asbestos removal work is high risk work whereby the material being worked upon has the potential to release high levels of asbestos fibre into the air.  This type of work needs to be undertaken by a HSE licensed asbestos removal contractor and is subject to a 14 day notification period.  The work is notified by completing and submitting an ASB5.  

Examples of notifiable work include; the removal of asbestos containing thermal insulation from within a boiler room, removal of an AIB ceiling from an office, and removal of sprayed coating.

Notifiable None Licenced Work (NNLW)

Notifiable None Licensed asbestos removal work is considered less hazardous than notifiable work however still requires stringent controls.  To determine whether work is NNLW there are number of key considerations such as; the type of ACM, the condition of the material, and the impact of the removal methodology upon the materials matrix.  The Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 place specific requirements on contractors undertaking NNLW work, including the requirement for medical examinations and the maintenance of task specific health records.  NNLW work requires notification by submission of a completed NNLWASB1.

An examples of NNLW work includes removal of textured coating using gelling methods.

Non-Licensed Work (NL)

Non-Licensed work is considered less hazardous than both Licenced and NNLW and is the only type of asbestos removal that doesn’t require notification.  Those undertaking the work must hold relevant training / experience, insurance and produce a detailed plan of work prior to commencing the work.  Due to these requirements HSE Licensed Asbestos Removal Contractors are often best placed to undertake the work.

Examples of Non-Licensed asbestos removal work include removal of asbestos containing vinyl floor tiles and the removal of intact cement sheeting.

We are also proud to offer re-instatement services both in house and through our strategic partners selected for their quality of work and shared values.

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